Archive | December, 2012

Happy New Year And Stuff!

31 Dec

Its 12.30 pm on New Year’s Eve, and I’m still in bed. Sadly, this is the story of my life. As you can imagine, this is quite depressing, and especially so, at a time when we are encouraged to think about all our achievements and stuff. But then I realised, I have actually done some quite significant things. So here is my list of ‘Quite Significant Things That I Have Done In 2012’.

1. Worked out the ‘Fairtrade’ Logo.

Le Fairtrade Logo

APPARENTLY, its a man waving. I always thought it was either a weird turtle head, or a weird cocoa bean . But now I understand it, its ACTUALLY very clever. It actually also kinda looks like the Yin and Yang symbol, which is cool. And its not just me being stupid, because I showed three other people, and all of them were just as surprised as I was.

2. Started a blog (ovbiously) . And i’m actually quite happy with it. 🙂 I want to see how long I can keep it going, without it becoming a chore. Hopefully it won’t EVER!

3. Survived the Apocalypse. That was just stupid, wasn’t it?

4. Adopted The Head.

McDonalds, ‘Two And A Half Men’ and The Head… The perfect way to end the day.

I’ve never actually ever mentioned The Head in my blog yet, but believe me, its been there. The Head is made out of papier mache, and painted with arcylic and watercolour. I didn’t make it, but it was given to me by my art teacher who obviously wanted to get rid of it. Since then, The Head and I have had much fun together, for example:

My family do not enjoy coming across The Head in the dark…

2. Given In To Justin Bieber. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really a fan  of him, but its almost impossible to hate him, and to be honest I think people are being really harsh when they say they do. Lets be fair- Justin Bieber  can actually sing and dance, so I don’t see why its such a problem that he’s popular. But I’ll tell you what is annoying… some of his fans.

6. Got back in contact with someone I hadn’t seen for four years. Which was cool.

7. Slept for 24 hours. Now, this only happened because I was awake for 36 hours the day before. Thanks, ‘American Dad’  and the internet.

8. Was traumatised by an exhibition at an art gallery. At the Tate Modern in London, there are two exhibtions that I visitied. One was about the Pre-Raphaelites, which was fun, because my friend and I went around pretending to be art connoisseurs. The other was ‘The Turner Prize’. This was a selection of modern art, that was supposed to be ‘out there’. It certainly was. The pieces featured this puppet

as the oracle, in this room

and it whispers your prediction in your ear, whilst some people dressed in camouflage did and interpretive dance.

So this is basically what I did with my year. Hope you guys had a great year too 🙂 Here’s to 2013!