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5 Reasons Why I Love Lana Del Rey

17 Nov

My drawing of Lana Del Rey… A beautiful woman.

Who could hate this person? WHO?

A cookie for anyone who can guess what this post is about! I kid… the cookies are MINE! But seriously, seriously -I love Lana Del Rey. Now, I’m not usually an “obsessive” person; in fact there aren’t actually that many things I actually like. I find a whole load of things ‘cool’ or ‘interesting’, but apart from that… there is no thing or person  that I would stand by through all weathers. Except Lana Del Rey. (and Doctor Who… and Sherlock)   A lot of people I know don’t actually like her. I turn to them with genuine hurt in my eyes, and ask: Why? How? I like her so much that I drew her, and I must say, I’m really proud of it.  But back to the main subject of this post… the five reasons why I like   love Lana Del Rey.

1. She has a beautiful voice. There is something so unique about her voice. It can go from so low and sonorous and harsh, to high and innocent and pure. She is also not afraid to experiment with the texture and tone of the  sounds she produces- my Mum pointed out to me that she uses her voice as an instrument. Oh yeah, and unlike most artists in the UK Top 40, she CAN ACTUALLY sing. Just saying…

2. She has a beautiful face. I just thought I’d put that out there. She is so pretty, and I don’t care what anybody says about her lips- I think they suit her. That is a pet peeve of mine though; when people talk about how ugly certain celebrities are. It makes me think: Sorry not every one is a perfect as you…Especially when you know that if somebody said something half as mean about them, they wouldn’t be able to take it. Alternatively, though, if you are in the public eye, you shouldn’t do stupid things, because people WILL laugh at you. Including me.

3. She can pull off just about any hair colour. Not only is she extremely pretty, but everything suits her- clothes as well. I have seen her ginger, strawberry blonde, nearly black, black, chestnut,  and various shades of dark brown. And they ALL suited her. I really admire that, and all I can do is wonder how its possible for one person to sport so many different looks. I guess I’m just waiting for her to start wearing her hair short… I wonder how that would look?

4. Her songs are original. And they have meaningful lyrics. And interesting videos. I haven’t yet found a song that she’s written or sung that I haven’t liked- they are all such a change from the things that are usually on the radio. I’m not calling all the songs on the radio bad (I COULD, but I’m not), but it is really refreshing to hear a calm, relaxing song once in a while.  Now, most people look at the album name ‘Born to Die’ and just assume that all of the songs on it are depressing. Whilst this might be the case, at least listen to them first, before you judge them. Even so, I personally don’t find her songs depressing- they’re just about  life; mostly about her life. And life isn’t perfect.

5. She has an awesome name. I mean, come on! Lana. Del. Rey. That is THE most original bad-ass name. Ever. AND, it rhymes with a whole load of things. Grey, way, say, they, May… if you wanted to put it in a song lyric, you would have absolutely no problem. How many people have a name THAT cool? Even her real name, Lizzy Grant, sounds awesome when its being associated with her.

If you haven’t heard of Lana Del Rey (I don’t know why you wouldn’t), then I would say you should check her out. I do understand she may not be everybody’s cup of tea… but I’m British, what can I say? We sure do love our tea!

My ( Totally Un-Secret) Celebrity Obsessions

16 Apr

Why is it that teen girls always seem to have some sort of celebrity obsession?

I’m no exception. I try, and I try, and I try not to get involved but BAM! I always find myself sucked back in.

My first obsession was, I think, when I was twelve. And it was pretty lame. It happened when I rediscovered the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Why do I fall so hard for guys in books? I still do (I’m sorry to say), but nowhere near as hard as I did for Percy. Percy Jackson was such a sweet little guy, and although I really loved the romance he had going on with Annabeth, I always hoped, maybe somehow, Percy would still be available by the end of the series. As if the fact that he doesn’t exist does not factor in our relationship. Thankfully, that stage came and went pretty quickly.

My next obsession is much more recent. The Johnny Depp phase. I suppose it really started when I watched the Pirates Of the Caribbean movies again in the summer holidays last year. That’s when I decided that I loved the soundtrack. Hans Zimmer is an AMAZING composer. And to hear more of the music, I watched more of the films. Then after a while, I decided that I loved Jack Sparrow. Oh sorry; there should be a Captain in there somewhere. (sorry about the awful Pirates humor).  What’s not to love, seriously? I also liked Orlando Bloom, but anyway…. I obsessed over Jack Sparrow, until… it wasn’t enough. He wasn’t real; and I knew it. (At least I’d progressed from the Percy Jackson stage). So that’s when I looked into the actor. And honestly, I saw just one interview, and I just loved his personality. So the fangirl inside me emerged like a hungry beast. I watched video clips, read fanfictions, watched all of his movies… I even drew multiple portraits of him, and collected them in a folder ( a bit creepy, looking back on it). I learnt how to play all the soundtracks from his movies on the piano. I bought any piece of merchandise Sweeny, Scissorhands, Pirates, Wonderland (etc etc)  related. And it didn’t really matter his age…I didn’t fancy him fancy him. (Just believe me, ok!?)

But all of a sudden I’ve stopped. I don’t feel the need to. I still love him, of course, but the hungry fangirl beast has died.

Basically, I feel like this is the end of an era. I have been concentrating on Johnny Depp for almost a year of my life, and its a little bit sad, but if I’m honest, a bit of a relief that its over.

So before I rush into the likes of Alex Pettyfer (hot!), Liam Hemsworth, (hot!) and Josh Hutcherson (SUPER HOT!), I think I need to say goodbye to the Depphead/Deppist stage of my life.

They were great times. Savvy?