Tag Archives: horse

So Hungry You Could Eat A Horse?

20 Feb

Yeah, this story has been on the news for quite a while now. For people who aren’t in the UK, or just don’t know what’s going on… Unsuspecting Brits have been buying and eating beef products, that have turned out to be horse.


Now, many people I know have been freaking out about it. Which is fair enough. But I don’t really feel any negative emotions except that people should know what they’re buying, and get what they paid for. I, personally, don’t feel sick to my stomach about maybe eating some   feeble creature reminiscent of Boxer from ‘Animal Farm’. Well now I’ve given the meat a personality, I feel a little guilty… BUT, my point is, that if this horse-beef was injected with some ionising traquliser that turns you into a mutant after you’ve eaten it… There’s nothing you can do about it now. 

Seriously, so you might as well all stop worrying, and enjoy life. If you’re lucky, you might even get a horse related super power. Isn’t that how it works?